Signs That You Have A Leaky Gut

Leaky gut syndrome can be difficult to detect and treat because the symptoms match so many other digestive and gastrointestinal health issues symptoms.The only surefire way to know if you have leaky gut is to get tested but there are several other tell-tale signs and symptoms that are definitely indications of the condition. 

Leaky gut is caused when there is damage done to the intestinal walls and intestinal wall lining. Our intestines have a protective barrier that keeps the bacteria, toxins, and undigested food particles inside the gut. If intestinal walls have cracks, holes, and/or rips the sludge that’s supposed to be kept in can find its way out and then the havoc begins. Our immune system response is triggered when the foreign bodies and chemicals enter the bloodstream and then inflammation in the body begins. The cycle continues unless the condition is treated.

Leaky Gut Symptoms

There are numerous symptoms produced by a leaky gut. Some of the symptoms are more common than others and some symptoms are only present in patients with current medical conditions on top of the leaky gut. 

  • Poor Immune System
  • Chronic Diarrhea
  • Chronic Constipation
  • Brain Fog
  • Headache
  • Memory Loss
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Bloating
  • Gas
  • Skin Irritation & Rashes
  • Sugar & Carb Cravings
  • Autoimmune Diseases

Leaky Gut Testing

There are four different tests that are used to try and detect leaky gut syndrome. Each test is different testing for different things that cause leaky gut and things like that. The only way to really be able to tell if you have leaky gut is to talk to your doctor and schedule a consultation for testing. You won’t know what tests you’ll need to take until you’ve went over the signs and symptoms you are personally experiencing with your doctor. Once you know the cause of the leaky gut syndrome you can work out the most effective natural leaky gut treatment plan for you.

  •  The Food Intolerance Test: This test is designed to find out what foods might be triggering your digestive health issues. 
  • Parasite Test: Parasites can lead to damaged intestinal lining. This test will test for the presence of parasites and if so, what kind.
  • Lactulose & Mannitol Test: This urine test analyzes urine for the clearance of two types of sugar, lactulose and mannitol. Both of these sugars are byproducts of leaky gut syndrome.
  • Bacterial Dysbiosis Test: Bacterial overgrowth damages the intestinal walls and leaks out into the bloodstream eventually wreaking havoc on the entire body. Managing the overgrowth can help treat leaky gut.

  • When someone has symptoms that match leaky gut it’s important to talk a doctor or practitioner about it and set up testing so that leaky gut syndrome can be diagnosed or canceled out. Natural leaky gut treatment such as Alivio is available and it can be a smoother healing process than trying to use pharmaceutical medications that can cause harsh side-effects.