Can I Have SIBO Without All The Symptoms?

SIBO is a sign or a symptom that there is something that’s gone awry in the gut. SIBO or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth produces a set of numerous symptoms as an indication that something isn’t quite right in our belly. Having SIBO without the symptoms is like having a headache without the ache, it’s not likely. However, it is possible to have some of the symptoms or only a few of them, it is also possible that the symptoms are being confused as something else altogether.    

SIBO Symptoms

SIBO produces a variety of symptoms that pertain specifically to the gut but the symptoms can also affect other parts of the body as well. Here’s how, an overgrowth of bacteria leads to inflammation and the inflammation isn’t limited to the gut. It can affect our joints, bones, and muscles as well, especially if there are already some type of issues existing such as arthritis or chronic migraines.  

  • Bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Upset Stomach
  • Nausea
  • Excessive Gas
  • Indigestion
  • Abdominal Cramping
  • Abdominal Pain

  • The symptoms listed above are the most common SIBO symptoms that occur. If SIBO is left untreated it can lead to numerous other health conditions, as well as, worsening symptoms already occurring. SIBO can lead to a leaky gut which only makes matters worse, so the sooner SIBO is under control, the better it is for the entire body.

    It is possible to have SIBO without having ALL of the symptoms at the same time or in general but there are bound to be symptoms that occur. Someone that eats spicy food often and deals with indigestion might not notice that the indigestion might be being caused by a bacterial overgrowth and not the food they’re eating. Because SIBO symptoms match so many other digestive health issues it can be tricky to diagnose and treat. Often times the condition is left undiagnosed or misdiagnosed leaving the overgrowth of bacteria to grow in numbers.

    Natural SIBO treatment is available but it requires more than just easing the symptoms. SIBO antibiotics must be used to eradicate the excess bacteria and supplements are used to help heal and strengthen the gut. Treating SIBO will ease an/or eliminate any symptoms produced by the condition. SIBO symptoms might mimic other symptoms but the condition itself is one of its own. If you have any of the symptoms and especially if they are recurring, talk to your doctor about taking a breath test to find out if you’re dealing with an overgrowth. When in doubt get it checked out.