5 Morning Tips For A Healthy Gut

5 Morning Tips For A Healthy Gut

Morning routines are good to have, especially when they involve staying fit and healthy. There are different things you could add or incorporate into your morning rituals that are beneficial for a healthy gut. Our gut health plays a very big role in our overall health and well-being. An unhealthy gut can and will affect the rest of the body in some shape or form. It might be inflammation and it might be brain fog and memory loss. So here are 5 morning tips that will help keep a healthy gut.

  • Water Before Coffee: Hours of sleep without a drink leaves not only our mouth dry but our entire body as well. A cup of cool water (not cold) first thing after you wake up is essential. Dehydration is linked to constipation and reaching for coffee first thing can simply add to it. That hydration will work wonders, it helps wake up our gut and hydrate our system. You can even have a glass of lemon water which only adds hydrating properties through the electrolytes.
  • Breakfast: Growing up many people remember hearing that breakfast is our first meal of the day and it’s extremely important. It is also good if you can actually sit down, take your time, and enjoy it. Breakfast gets our gut going and provides us with the nutrients we need.
  • Take A Walk: Any type of physical exercise will work but a nice morning walk provides us with more that you’d expect. For the gut it increases the blood flow to our digestive organs, strengthens muscles in the digestive tract, and helps control stress (stress can cause some major damage).
  • Streaming Cold Water: After your morning shower, right before you get out, turn down the hot water or turn it all the way off if you can handle it, and stand under a cold stream of water for a couple of minutes. The cold blast from the water activates our vagus nerve, a special nerve that is the gut-brain axis super highway. This strengthens our gut motility in a big way.
  • Probiotics: Adding some probiotics into your diet whether it is through foods containing them or through the use of probiotic supplements, helps restore and replace any beneficial bacteria. It keeps a healthy bacteria balance. Beneficial bacteria and our guts environment needs to function properly. When we have a bowel movement (#2) we lose some of the bacteria and it’s important we replace it. 

  • You can add or incorporate all five of these tips on this list into your morning routine or just pick a couple that will work for you. These five tips will improve your gut health and if you keep at it, your gut should be pretty happy with you and you know what they say about a healthy gut… a healthy gut is a happy gut.