10 Yoga Poses For IBS

10 Yoga Poses For IBS

Dealing with an IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome flare-up can be frustrating, annoying, uncomfortable, and sometimes even painful. There are several ways IBS can be managed and the symptoms eased or relieved and yoga is one of them. 

When treating IBS the main focus revolves around relieving the symptoms. Gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and cramps are all symptoms of IBS and we are going to share the secrets behind the practice of yoga to help manage IBS. Stress is one of the most common triggers that cause Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Yoga has been proven to help ease and eliminate stress by calming the nervous system which in turn can calm an irritated digestive system. Yoga can also help the uncomfortable sensations in the belly and gut be more tolerable and less bothersome. 

  • Seated Spinal Twist : Twisting yoga poses like the seated spinal twist can increase and encourage blood flow, aids in digestion, and it reduces bloating.
  • Wind Relieving Pose : The wind relieving pose is also sometimes called the half-knee to chest post. You might have guessed from the name of the pose what aspect of IBS it helps manage, that’s right, gas. If you’re dealing with cramps caused by gas this yoga pose will help you eliminate that excess air but be prepared because you’re going to be breaking wind AKA farting.
  • Cobra Pose : The cobra pose stretches through the midsection of the body, the core areas irritated by IBS. This yoga benefits the spine, as well as, the back and abdominal muscles which benefits the digestive system. If you’re dealing with constipation and intestinal gas this might be the right move for you.
  • Knees To Chest Pose : This is similar to the wind relieving pose only you will have both knees up to your chest at the same time instead of one at a time. This pose is good for bloating and cramps caused by gas. It is a soothing pose that targets the belly and the digestive organs. It aids and assists in the healing of the belly area and encourages the digestive system to release and relax.
  • Wide Legged Forward Fold  : The wide legged forward fold pose can help ease and eliminate cramps and gas by relieving tension in the gut area. This pose can also help stimulate a bowel movement if you’re constipated, as well as excess air causing gas pains.
  • Cat & Cow Pose : This is a great pose to start your yoga session, opens up the spine and stretches. This is actually two separate yoga poses but they’re practiced in a sequence together to benefit IBS flare-up relief. Working these poses together internally massages through the digestive system to the spinal column which helps digestion and relieves constipation.
  • Child's Pose : This may be an extremely relaxing pose but it actually increases energy throughout the digestive system. This is an awesome benefit for those of you dealing with slow digestion and IBS symptoms.
  • Garland Pose : The garland pose encourages bowel movement. This is because this is the original waste elimination pose and it’s good for our body. It can calm the digestive tract and help ease constipation by stimulating a bowel movement to take place.
  • Shoulder Stand Pose : This is for people with IBS that are dealing with diarrhea. This pose can actually slow the bowel mobility and promote the absorption of fluid helping to stop diarrhea.
  • The Gate Pose : The gate pose isn’t generally one of the poses used when yoga is promoted. However, that doesn’t mean it’s not a great one. The pose has so much stretching going on for the entire core of the body from the front to the back. Stretching the belly and the intestines helps ease many aspects of IBS.

  • IBS is actually a sign or symptom of some other digestive health issue taking place. Leaky gut symptoms can trigger IBS and IBS can be a sign of a leaky gut or SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Yoga is actually something beneficial for both leaky gut treatment and SIBO treatment. If you’re dealing with IBS maybe it’s time to get those symptoms checked out and find the root of the cause. SIBO supplements, yoga, and leaky gut supplements all benefit similar issues but you have to find the root.